Monday, November 26, 2012

Our routine

October 9, 2012

Chester – Day 17

At this stage of Chester’s rehabilitation, I’m aware that he’s doing better in a short time than most people would have guessed, me included. My expectations of him are reasonable and I try to help him achieve a little more each day or so, based on the progress he made on the previous day. But, Chester still dictates what he’s ready to do and when. He wants to please me, but is only capable of so much each day based on his fears and lack of confidence. We know there will be backslides, we just hope they aren’t too far or too many. He still spends part of his days under tables or in corners. The fact that it’s just “part” is reason to be hopeful.

Our morning routine is becoming just that … routine. I get up, go start the coffee, return to the bedroom and Chester is standing there waiting for his leash and ready to walk downstairs and outside for his morning bathroom break. After his quick trip outside, he wants to hang out in the basement awhile with Glenn and Casey and then it’s time for breakfast. Note: I have never seen a dog get to “business” so quickly. Once in the back yard, he knows what he’s there for and within a few minutes, he’s ready to come back inside. I always go outside with him, have never left him out there alone yet. Awhile after breakfast, it’s back outside time for the rest of the bathroom chores. Next it’s upstairs to my office (while I upload Chester’s journal). Then when he sees me put shoes on and grab my jacket, Chester stands waiting for his halter and the leash … time for the morning walk with Glenn and Casey. Back inside for a cool drink of water (I think he’s a camel in a retriever’s body, he drinks a lot of water, but not often). Then back outside or to the basement to hang out with Glenn and Casey.

I believe that some of Chester’s progress can be attributed to our “schedule”. He knows what to expect and therefore isn’t as fearful of what’s next. He can count on eating breakfast between 7 and 8 a.m. and dinner between 6 and 7 p.m. There’s always some real meat or veggie people food as supplement after he’s had the dog food and he can’t believe his luck with that. He knows he’ll get some treats during the day. Chester expects his halter to be put on and taken off at certain times and he stands or sits in anticipation. He counts on walks and we don’t disappoint him. He knows he’ll get petted, loved and praised throughout the day by Glenn and me. I believe he now knows that Casey will check on him periodically and that she has learned to respect his “space”. They lie together in the basement/family room, especially after dinner. He knows when I say “night-night” that we’re headed to the bedroom to his kennel/bed and that I’ll put his soft stuffed snuggle toy in the bed with him. And I think most of all he knows we love him and that he can count on us.

Chester isn’t as motivated by food as I would have thought. He won’t eat or drink anything unless he’s in an environment where he feels completely safe. No treats on walks, so that’s out for training purposes. Knowing that prior to foster care he was starving, I really expected him to be easily motivated by treats or food of any kind. Although he loves food, and appreciates being regularly fed, the stronger bond with him is love and attention. Praise and petting go a long way towards claiming Chester’s heart. I also believe that not letting him always have his way has created expectations that he’s now putting on himself as well. He knows that occasionally I will prod him into doing something he’s not sure of, so he complies to gain my approval and affection. When he’s accomplished the task, he’s very proud of himself and thrives on my praise.

While I was running errands and working in the kitchen, Chester spent a good part of the morning and early afternoon in the back yard in the sunshine with Glenn and Casey. Glenn enjoys working in the yard and Casey is his shadow. Whenever Chester spends time with them it’s an opportunity for him to learn.

The journey Chester and I are on together is completely random and unplanned. We make up the game and the rules each day as we go. We’re okay with that.

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