Monday, February 11, 2013

Chester speaks

For over four months Chester hasn't said much. He doesn't bark, has only growled a few times (in what he thought was protection of me). His only sounds in life are snoring when he first falls asleep, scared sounds when he's having a nightmare ... and the squeaky whistle sound he makes when he is distressed.

During the past week he speaks loud and clear. Chester is finally beginning to express his own wants and desires. Previously his only "opinions" were ones when we made him do something he didn't want to do ... like exiting the car after a ride, moving from a hidden or safe location, or going out in the back yard to potty. Lately he has followed us upstairs a few times. It was entirely his idea to leave his normal daytime hideout. One time he climbed the stairway behind Glenn and simply appeared in my office where I was reading. He followed me wherever I went that afternoon and joined me on my upstairs bed for a nap. A day or so later, he came back upstairs with me after dinner and headed straight to the entry hall. He walked around for awhile, taking turns looking out the sidelight windows on either side of the front door. Chester made it clear that he wanted to go somewhere, anywhere. It was pitch dark outside so I decided we'd run a quick errand to the pharmacy in town where I needed to pick up a prescription anyway. He stood patiently, as always, while I fastened his halter and leash and he walked straight to the car.

All of this sounds very mundane and if you didn't know Chester, you might think it was a waste of good energy writing about a dog who enjoys a nap on a people bed or one who likes to go for a ride. Yes, Chester enjoys those things, but hasn't always. Even when he has in the past, it wasn't his idea. When we first adopted him it was a physical struggle to get him to move from under a table. Then it became easier to get him to walk with me in the house while leashed. He has never expressed an interest in telling us what "he" wants ... until now.

Chester is learning to speak, and better yet, he's learning that it's okay to do so. I look forward to seeing what else he has to say in the months and years to come.

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